I posted a similar message a few years ago on a different support board. I had just spent the previous 6 plus years on my degree while working a full time job. I also spent a lot of time surfing the net for school and chatting with my friends on the board. One day shortly after graduation I was on the computer surfing and posting. I took a break and stepped outside. Blue sky and sunshine, temp in the mid 70's...one of those really nice days that are not to be taken for granted in northern Minnesota and I was sitting inside surfing. I decided to take a deserved break from the virtual world and get out into the real world. I posted one last message at the X-JW Support Board, emailed some friends, notified my ISP to cancel my membership, and dismantled my computer which ended up in the basement where it still sits untouched. I recently bought my current computer and got back on-line and of course I am drawn to people who share similar pasts which is why I am here. However, if my real world suffers because of the virtual world, I will pull the plug once again. Enjoy your school Logansrun, and don't forget to water that plant.
frozen one
JoinedPosts by frozen one
Why I am leaving JWD
by logansrun ini'm leaving this forum...at least temporarily.
as i mentioned in conversation over dinner at the chicago apostafest, my upcoming school schedule (which begins next week) combined with my workload will make it very difficult to be an active member on this forum.
perhaps i'll check in occassionaly when life is a little slower but for now i'd better distance myself from the on-line scene or else the other elements in my life will suffer.
To The State Of Minnesota, Thank You.
by ColdRedRain in12 years ago, our family had a tragedy.
my cousin (who i will .
call levi) developed a rare case of lukemia .
frozen one
Excellent story! Did the experience change your aunt and uncle's attitude toward the wbts's stance on blood? Are they happy to watch their son grow up? Does you cousin know anything about what happened or is that an event that his parents are hiding from him?
By the way, I live near Duluth. Where are you at.
Do ALL men cheat??
by ChakkaConned ini was watching an old eddie murphy hbo special a few weeks ago where he was talking about relationships.
in his bit, he went off on how all men cheat on their wives and girlfriends.
he was adamant that even the nicest of guys will take the opportunity to cheat if given the chance and that women need to understand that this is the way it is, 100% of the time.
frozen one
Jennifer Aniston was lying naked in the bed yes I would cheat!
I agree 100%. Not only would any man cheat in this situation, they would brag about it. And I think that women would do the same thing if they woke next to Brad Pitt or some other hunky guy who got their motor running. Ironicially, I read that Aniston and Pitt are breaking up. I wonder who they cheated with?
Any non-traditional students here?
by frozen one inthis subject has no doubt been covered before.
when i was in high school i had an urge to go on to college after graduation.
this was back in 1980. needless to say my desire was recieved rather cooly by my parents.
frozen one
My degree is in Business Administration. My major was Organizational Management. I was working full time while attending school. At the time I thought that life in general sucked - work, school, sleep, repeat. I even went to school in the summer which was brutal given that I live in northern Minnesota where the summers are sweet but short. Summer should be spent playing out doors, not sitting in a classroom studying human resources or financial theory. But, when I crossed the stage and picked up my paper from the Uni president, my only thought was "that wasn't so bad." My JW parents and sister attended the ceremony. They gave me a few presents and took me out for dinner to celebrate. It was a great day.
Any non-traditional students here?
by frozen one inthis subject has no doubt been covered before.
when i was in high school i had an urge to go on to college after graduation.
this was back in 1980. needless to say my desire was recieved rather cooly by my parents.
frozen one
This subject has no doubt been covered before.
When I was in high school I had an urge to go on to college after graduation. This was back in 1980. Needless to say my desire was recieved rather cooly by my parents. But, they didn't outright forbid the notion. I did enroll at a commumity college and my mom actually went to the city and help me find a place to live. I think she actually wanted to check out the congregation in the town I would be going to and make sure the elders knew I would be living in the area. On the way back home, mom "happened" to swing by the hall in another town and was "surprised" to see the CO's camper sitting in the parking lot. We just had to stop. After saying hello to the CO and his wife and exchanging small talk, the CO pulled me off to the side and asked me about my plans after high school. When I said that I was planning on going to college he started asking me the standard questions..."Do you realize how long it takes to earn a degree? Four years? Five years? Do you know that bachelor degrees are pretty much useless, that most people have to go on to earn higher degrees in order to make the education worthwhile and that these degrees could take as much as 8 or nine years to complete? Do you really thing that this tired old system will last that long? Won't going to college really be a waste of time? Do you want to die a horrible death?" Well, he certainly did give me something to think about and I ended up dropping out after one semester (mostly because of zero support from my family). Most importantly, what that CO really did is give me a personal prophecy. He had said that Armegedon would occur before I could finish a college degree. Fast forward to 1995 and my first day in a college classroom in almost 15 years. This time I was determined to actually earn the degree and I didn't need anybodys support to do it. Six years later (giving credit, the CO was correct when he stated that a bachelors degree can take more than fours years to earn) I walked across a stage and recieved my diploma and proved the prophecy given to me by an official agent of the wbts FALSE. I did earn a degree before Armegedon occured. Earning that degree was crucial in getting over the influence of the wbts.
Good luck to all of you pursuing a higher education. It is worth every minute.
singing at the meetings
by Dustin inwere any of you the really obnoxiosly loud singer at the meeting?
that always used to make me laugh when somone who couldn't sing just belted it out in their horrible voice.
or i used to love the husband and wife duos that thought they were all that as they sat and tried to harmonize.
frozen one
When I was growing up there was a sister in the congregation who played the piano. She was and is an excellent player. One talent she lacked was the ability to read music. She played by ear only and knew every song in the old pink songbook by heart. One nice thing about her talent was that she would play the music the way she felt it should be played and it was truly wonderful. When it came time to sing songs, the congregation rocked in a joyful way. When the wbts replaced the pink songbook with the red one (I think I have the color right) she had to learn the new songs which sometimes caused a song substitution during the meeting. Say the song picked by brooklyn was 58 she would say "lets do 32 instead" and that was fine...so we thought. Somebody must have complained about the substituions because evntually during the meeting if the song selection was one she didn't know, there was no substitution but we had to sing to taped music. The volume of the singing was at least half of that which was produced when the piano was being played. One day word came from brooklyn that congregations should only use tapes of the music provided by the wonderful wbts musicians so that all congregations were singing the songs correctly or some sort of nonsense. The piano in the hall sat silent after that and one day it vanished, replaced by a couple of rows of chairs. What once was a congregation singing with a joyful noise (no kidding) was replaced with a bunch of people kind of mumbling along to canned crap. That is my memory of singing at the meetings.
What Do You Think Happens To Our Loved Ones That Die?
by minimus inare they now in heaven?
frozen one
I believe that we all fade to black and that is it. Live life while you can.
Which would you choose: Being born or the WTS never having existed?
by Elsewhere inthose of us who are multi-generation "born into the wts" people, exist only because the wts exists.
my grand parents were all jws, both of my parents were born and raised in the religion and i was born and raised in the religion.
the simple fact of the matter is that if it was not for the wts existing neither of my parents would exist and therefore neither would i. sure brings and interesting new twist on the time travel "go back in time and kill your father before you were conceived" paradox.
frozen one
This is an interesting topic.
I am a summer baby so I was conceived during the fall. Most likely this was a direct result of a cold front moving into the region from Canada ("Blame Canada! Blame Canada!") which caused my parents to snuggle...one thing led to another...I really don't want to think about this. What would have happened if the cold front had stalled? I would not be here. What if because of the cold weather my older siblings had wanted to sleep with my parents? I would not be here, I hope. What if the cold weather had come a day sooner or later? I would not be here. There are a lot of variables to this particular equation. I guess in the end I am glad I am alive no matter what the exact circumstances were that led to my conception.
Brief Introduction
by frozen one inthought i would join the forum after following the posts for a while.
i used to post on tishie's x-jw site but have not participated there for a while.
anyway, i was born into the religion...cult...borg...whatever.
frozen one
Thanks for the welcome everybody.
Purza: Yes, I do have contact with my family. My parents live a couple of hours from here and I visit them quite often. I spent Christmas Day at their house and even brought them some presents. I didn't wrap them up or give them a big "HOHOHO" while handing them over, but they did give me a smile and a thank you when they opened the bags.
Annie: Did you post on Tishie's board? I guess it is possible that there is more than one Annie in New York, but if you did I do remember you. How you doing?
Brief Introduction
by frozen one inthought i would join the forum after following the posts for a while.
i used to post on tishie's x-jw site but have not participated there for a while.
anyway, i was born into the religion...cult...borg...whatever.
frozen one
Thought I would join the forum after following the posts for a while. I used to post on Tishie's X-JW site but have not participated there for a while. Anyway, I was born into the religion...cult...borg...whatever. My parents are still devout as well as a sister. I have not set foot in a kingdom hall in at least 10 years other then for one funeral, I mean memorial service. I have enjoyed reading the posts here and getting to "know" some of the regulars and I look forward to sharing my thoughts and experiences with you.